среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


Better Than Wolves Mod FlowerChild A mod that changes much of the functionality of Minecraft that makes Survival a lot less trivial, as well as mechanical additions that progress through ages. Leaderboards Servers Support Website. Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side covers, overlays, dyes and chiseled patterns. Allows the user to customize their in-game player model by changing the scale and shape of each main bodypart, as well as adding other features like chat bubbles, rendering the first tool on your hotbar on your back, and animations such as sitting, dancing, and crawling. Mo' Zombies coocoo Adds more zombies to the game. Open Source Clientside Forge Compatible. minecraft codechickencore 1.3.2

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Adds double doors, allowing them to be opened and closed together. Jaredlll08 Donate Website Moo Fluids 1.

Currently there are 13 new zombies with plans for further expansion. More topics from this board Adds new world type - Caves. Clientside Forge Compatible ModLoader. Vazkii Donate Website Cosmetic Armor 1. Optifine and mods in 1. This chest can store up to stacks of items.

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More Swords Mod Darkhax. Adds dynamically generated cows to the world, that give different fluids when right clicked with a bucket or fluid container. Mine Little Brony Teotoo A work in progress mod that adds many new items to the game, minecragt zap apples, Fluttershy trees, and many more things! King Lemming Donate Website Tails 1.

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The purpose of the mod is to create immersive forest environments inspired by forests Karob has been to, yet modelled to suit the Minecraft universe. They do nothing, have no textures, and no recipes.

Mo' Zombies coocoo Adds more zombies to the game. Adds miniature 1.33.2 who float next to you at all times if equippedgiving off small perks besides the obvious one of having a companion to accompany you on your adventures. The feature chest is the crystal chest, which is transparent - some inventory contents are visible without opening the chest cpw Donate Website It's Raining Food 1. CraftGuide Uristqwerty Quick access to a list of every crafting recipe in the game!

Allows multiple player instances. Clientside Not Forge Compatible. ChickenBones Donate Website Chisel 2 2. MoreFood CaveChild Adds more food, such as chicken drumsticks, raw fried egg, cheese slices and more. Codechickencote Beasts Alpha Davidee. A mod that is designed to give players a better Minecraft world to explore, and more of a reason to explore it in the first place.

Compatible with Redstone Flux RF 1.33.2. Blubbeltasche Website Sync 4. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? IronChests cpw Adds codechicknecore made from different types of metal to the game. I dont know if it will work, but try looking up youtube vids for 1.

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AutoSwitch thebombzen Automatically switches to the correct tool when mining a block and automatically uses the correct weapon when attacking a mob or a player. Also adds new biomes and structures.

minecraft codechickencore 1.3.2

MineTunes works in both single and multiplayer, and adds no new blocks. A stand alone Minecraft mod designed to let players create adventure maps for other players. They are also afraid of water because they cannot swim and will explode if they touch water. Crazy Ravines klglange Makes ravines longer, wider, and deeper.

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