вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


In April they appeared at the Lollapalooza Chile festival [31] and started a tour in July; These events had a great call, and were so popular that they drove the return to television of the program. After the end of this, 31 minutes continued to be presented as a band in Chile and Mexico; in January , a fifth studio album was confirmed, becoming the first minute record that does not depend on the music of a season. The stay is boring, so Tulio entertains his little companions by telling them stories, and so begins each chapter. The program in its four seasons, until December 27, , has had a total of 70 episodes counting the Christmas special and the Telethon. To all this is added that, after 9 years of absence, 31 minutes announced his return to television [35] according to an interview given by Aplaplac to the Chilean newspaper La Tercera. mr guantecillo

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Many of the characters of the guqntecillo are parodying or are just inspired after Chilean TV personalities or famous local journalists, especially those guanteciklo with the mainstream Chilean press, hence the 'news program' premise of the show.

On April 3, returns to premiere, this time with chapters of the fourth season. El Universal in Spanish. This season was not aired on Nickelodeon, but it has been seen on the various local channels that have broadcast the series. Most of the songs were composed by Pablo Ilabaca of Chancho en Piedra and group collaboration in the series. The show's basic premise consisted of an all-puppet newsteam doing everything possible to give the image of "serious news," but always failing.

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The stay is boring, so Tulio entertains his little companions by telling them stories, and so begins each chapter. La Tercera in Spanish. In addition, the program has continued to make several tours in Chile and Mexico, where the program's songs are presented. Section where Juan Carlos Bodoque deals with environmental issues, such as recyclingpollutionglobal warmingetc.

Guanntecillo program in its four seasons, until December 27,has had a total of 70 episodes counting the Christmas special and the Guantecullo. In31 minutos in collaboration with the Ministry of Health conducted the webseries La nube de humo The cloud of smoke. As the program progressed, its creators began to expand upon the personalities and storylines of the characters themselves, and the show took on a larger focus on narrative.

Another derivative of 31 minutos, is the miniseries Segurito created by Aplaplac together with the ACHSwhere the mascot of the latter accompanied by his friend Dami, advises Guaripolo in each episode for something insecure. Patana Tufillo is the host of guanteillo reality show of the fourth season of the series, where products are involved in a refrigerator, such as meats, yogurts and other expired products, which are being eliminated every guanteciplo.

Un tenor es el responsable del nombre 'Aplaplac ' ". Cuando pierdes protagonismo lo primero que dejas de hacer es guanteciloo caro " ".

La lucha de los canales por cautivar al segmento infantil". Views Read Edit View history. The songs mostly belonging to the Top Ranking gained popularity among the public, [47] which has led to create a band with the characters and make presentations in Guqntecillo and Mexico.


The surrealist and comedic nature of the characters is often laced with [14] - as well as with spaces such as La Nota Verde references to social and political events in Chile, attracting larger audiences among young adults.

This one was constituted only of 15 chapters and not of 20, like the previous ones, due to the stress and the cost that had the producer Aplaplac for the recording of an episode. Minutos deportivos Sports minutes: Lo que conversas con amigas.

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El impronunciable nuevo disco de "31 minutos " ". For the Season 1 album, see 31 Minutos album. LG Chile in Spanish. Radio Concierto in Spanish. Nota verde Green Note: A pilot dubbed into European Spanish was shown to Spanish channels, [23] however, the series was broadcast in that country with its original audio. It was issued from March 15, until August 9 of that same year.

While some segments tend toward the ridiculous and surreal, others are educational and intend to impart an explicit or implicit message.

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It was on the air from June 19, until October 2 of the same year. Title card in The show is regularly praised for appealing to wide range of ages, transcending the guanntecillo narrow audience of most children's media. He sold all his copies in 1 day, [19] becoming a sextuple disc of platinum.

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